2005 New Year's Resolutions
Renew Your Bond with Your Canine Companion
1. I will exercise my dog every day, preferably with a walk outdoors.
2. I will feed my dog a healthy diet conscious of his daily calorie intake.
3. I will deal immediately with health problems by having a vet check out my dog.
4. I will fully groom my dog at least once a week.
5. I will contribute time and/or money to animal related charities.
This can be your local animal shelter or national groups such as
Canine Companions for Independence (a personal favorite).
6. I will enroll my dog in the American Kennel Club Canine
Good Citizen Program and work with him until he gets certified.
This is NOT just for purebreds.
7. I will deal with behavior problems promptly including using a
professional trainer.
8. I will inspect my dog’s toys, bedding and collars/clothing regularly
and dispose of worn or damaged objects.
9. I will take up a new activity with my dog before mid-year.
This could be structured agility, obedience, or tracking trials or
just fun games such as hide-and-seek the Kong toy.
10. I will make time to cuddle with my dog every day – no matter how
little time I have and no matter how tired I am.
Best wishes for the New Year.
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