Thursday, November 24, 2005

Teach Fido to Shake Paws

Impress your company by teaching your dog to greet them with a paw shake. He’ll find it fun to learn and it’ll help stretch his brainpower. Most dogs learn this one quickly.

1. Get a treat that’s small enough to hold in your hand but keep hidden
from him when you close your finders.

2. Place your dog in a sit position on a non-slippery surface.

3. Gently tap one his paws with your free hand. Keep tapping it until he lifts
his paw off the ground.

4. As soon as this happens, support his paw in your hand and say “shake.”
Then give him the treat and coo praise at him.

5. Repeat this process four or five times and then stop before either of you
get tired.

6. Do this exercise a couple times a day for a few days before you expect company.

7. You can stop the teaching once your dog lifts his paw to you when you say “Shake.”

8. If you want to teach to shake the other paw, use the same process but with a different verbal command. Use “paw” or some other word.

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