Saturday, October 01, 2005

Convalescent Care - What the Doctor Ordered

At least once in your dog's life, it's likely he will have some type of surgery requiring a general anesthetic; e.g., being neutered.

Hopefully, you'll have time to prepare your dog and your home for his recovery.

Here are a few tips to help you both cope with his aftercare. You may not need this yet but hang on to this article. You never know.

1. Getting started

When you take your dog to the vet for surgery, make sure you find out when and how you can get progress reports. If you're like the rest of us, you'll be even more anxious than your dog to make sure all goes well.

Usually vets let dogs go home once they are fully conscious and able to walk.

Make sure you ask the vet about your dog's after care:

Diet - cooked, skinned white meat chicken and boiled white rice
is usually OK

Drinking - can he have water right away? Can he suck on ice chips?

Bandages - are there are dressings or bandages you'll need to change.
Understand what you're expected to do.

Contacts - who do you call if your dog develops problems, especially at 3 a.m.

Medication - what, if any, is required
how may it be given, such as in food or with water

Exercise - how soon and what type should he get

Follow ups - make needed appointments for check-ups or removal of stitches

2. Driving home

Make sure you secure your dog on the ride home from the vet.

He may be a bit woozy and wobbly as well as bit depressed. He may have some shaved body areas and a raw cough if he had an endotracheal tube in his throat.

Be sure to keep any drafts off him and have a little blanket to put on him in case he seems cold. If there are two humans in the car, you may want to hold him securely on the back seat while you sit comfortably next to him.

3. Being home

The first thing he's apt to do is go the potty. You make need to support him if he's still wobbly.

Don't be surprised if he immediately goes to sleep, especially as the anesthetic wears off, usually 24 to 36 hours.

Make sure your dog has a quiet, warm, draft-free place to sleep. You'll want to look on him from time to time but don't let his peace be disturbed by too many visitors or too much commotion.

4. Taking his medicine

If he needs medication including pain medication, follow the directions you got from the vet. If the medication didn't come with a chart, use a calendar to mark off each time you give him his medicine so you don't forget or get confused on how long ago you gave him something.

Many dogs hate pills but most will swallow them whole if wrapped in peanut butter.

5. Changing dressings

Check the operation site daily to ensure it is healing properly. Don't bathe it unless your vet has said it's OK to do so, but you may need to take action to prevent your dog from licking it.

If you're applying any topical medicine to your dog, you'll find he loves to lick it off.

Use an Elizabethan collar to stop him from reaching the wound site. Your vet may supply one or you can buy one from pet stores or via the Internet.

6. Getting back on his feet

Start your dog walking as soon as the vet says it's OK. You usually don't exercise him until all stitches have been removed. If you have an active dog, you may have to force him to stay off his paws and keep him from running around the house.

Too much and too strenuous exercise can cause poor wound healing and inflammation so be sure to follow your vet's direction to the letter.

If your dog is going to require physical therapy, I hope you have a pet insurance policy that covers it. This can get expensive quickly.

7. Getting fed

Your small dog may need to be fed more frequently than usual because he won't be able to eat much and there is a danger of low blood sugar if he isn't fed.

Be sure to give him fresh food, nothing stale or left-over. You don't want to risk introducing bacteria when he's still recovering. You may need to support him if he has trouble eating. Make sure to provide fresh water all day long.

8. Watching for these problems

  • Sinking into unconsciousness

  • Not being fully conscious after 36 hours

  • Cold and clammy paws and pale gums

  • Allergic reactions around the mouth, face or throat as a result
    of anesthetic or medication

  • Feces containing blood

  • Bleeding, swelling, redness , oozing or bad odors at the operation

  • Pulling out stitches

Happily with today's veterinary medicine, complications are unlikely but alertness on your part can stop any small problem from growing into a major problem. Best wishes to you all.

Reduce Shedding, Get Rid of Urine Stains

Two Products I've Grown to Love

I attended SuperZoo in Las Vegas last month and was amused to
see that the most popular displays for were basic dog products - getting
rid of urine odors and getting rid of excess hair.

Both products had popular booths where continually playing videos
showed how to use the products.

1. The first was Urine Off to remove odor and stains.

If you can stand the shock, get a black light and see how many
stains exist in your home even though you can't see them. Turn off
all the lights in your house and then run the black light over every room.

You can buy a hand-held light at for about $19. The
battery operated Ultra Violet Urine Detector illuminates urine that
is undetectable to the human eye.

When you find a stain, use Urine Off to remove it. This spray on
product works on hardwood, carpet, concrete, tile, fabric and
everything else I've tried it on. This is now the product I recommend.

The spray bottle usually retails for around $20 but the cheapest
I've found it was $12.

2. My second favorite product is the FURminator to remove excess hair.
What a great product for spaniels and spitzes; e.g., King Charles
Cavalier Spaniel and Pomeranian.

This is a three-step de-shedding program. You use two solutions
to get the coat ready and then run a special tool over your dog's
coat to remove all the loose hairs. The tool, which has an unique
blade, grabs and removes (not cuts) undercoat quickly and easily.
It's amazing how much hair will fall on the floor!

It comes in three sizes and ranges from $35 to $60. Although you can
use the tool without the two solutions, the product does work better
if used together.

It was quite amusing that with all the expensive, fashionable and unique
products - many, many dog day spa products - the most popular were the
evergreen products for urine removal and excess hair!

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