Saturday, June 17, 2006

Dogs on Boats Need Life Jackets

Even if you consider your dog a good swimmer, a life jacket is very important if you take him with you on a boat.

If there's an emergency on your boat or even at a marina,
your dog could be hurt, disoriented or in shock and
unable to swim to safety. This vest could save his life.

Lightweight, comfortable vest style closes with Velcro and adjustable locking straps at the neck and belly. The design means the size can be adjusted easily for a comfortable fit.

The material it is made from provides warmth and protection from abrasion.

It also features a convenient grab handle to help fish him out in the event he heads overboard, and a leash loop.

This jacket also is suitable for hydrotherapy pools if your dog is getting some type of treatment in a pool.

Bright safety orange color.

Product Information:

  • $15.99
    Life Jacket X Small (fits weight up to 18 lbs., Girth 15-19")
  • $17.99 Life Jacket Small (fits weight 15-25 lbs., Girth 19-24")

    To measure girth, use a tape measure and measure around
    the body (the rib cage) behind the front legs.

  • Rated Four Paws" (top rating)for pet floatation
    devices by the Whole Dog Journal, July 2003

For more information or to order, click the this link: Life
Jacket by Outward Hound

P.S. Visit
next month for a new edition of the Bone-Mot™.

Tips to Help Your Dog Enjoy the Summer

There's no reason your dog can't stay happy and safe all summer long. Here are some tips to help you both cope.

1. Identification - You're both likely to be outside more and may be traveling to strange places. Does your dog have a microchip (see or a tattoo or at least a collar with your name and phone number on it?

No one expects to lose their dog but it happens to thousands of owners each year. Increase the chances of being reunited with your canine companion back by ensuring he has identification. And, if you have a microchip (I highly recommend it), make sure your service has your current contact information.

2. Temporary placement - Start looking NOW for a pet sitter, kennel or boarding facility if you're going to be on vacation this summer without your dog. Commercial facilities and pet sitters get booked quickly. Don't wait any longer to start looking for a place.

At the same time, get all his medical records in order. Commercial boarding places will want to know he's had his shots and is dewormed. If you have pet insurance, be sure to provide the care givers with the information they need in case your dog gets ill.

3. Fleas and Ticks - Protect your dog from both these menaces with regular medication. I use Frontline on my dog but other owners like Revolution or Kiltix. Ask your vet for a recommendation. You can buy medication from the vet or get it through an Internet pet pharmacy. It's much, much, much easier and better for your dog to prevent fleas and ticks than try to treat them once your dog has been infected.

4. Protect him from cables - Those electric cords of mowers, trimmers, and other gardening tools can easily tempt a dog who loves to chew. Keep your dog indoors or contained in a safe area (such as crate) when you're working outdoors.

5. Protect him from the grill - Don't let your dog run lose around a barbecue grill. He could bump into it and be severely burned by falling ashes or hot scraps of food. NEVER give him meat hot off the grill. Let it cool a bit. After you clean your grill, keep the hot ashes in a place he can't reach while you're letting them cool.

6. Keep him away from the plants - It's a good idea to use organic yard and garden products for your dog's sake as well as the environment's. At a minimum, keep products out of his reach and keep him away from the garden or lawn while they're being treated with any chemicals. While you're outside and he's inside, also check your fence for holes that he could crawl out.

7. Keep up his grooming - Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean your dog's needs go on holiday. Comb and brush him daily especially if he's outside more than usual. This also is a good way to examine him for injuries or insect infestation. Better to treat problems when they're minor rather than let them grow into major problems.

8. Buy or create a pet first aid kit - If your dog is going with you on holiday, be sure to have first aid materials for him. For less than $30, you can an excellent kit from Medi+Pet First Aid Kits.

If your vacation will be on a boat with him, be sure to look at the Dog Life Jacket at Product of the Month.

9. Get him ready for the trip - If you're going to take him to a place where he'll get more exercise or be outdoors more than usual, get him prepared. Start increasing his daily walks either in duration or frequency. Your dog needs to build his stamina just as you do before undertaking major physical exertion.

Take him out for brief periods to strange places with unfamiliar people and sites before you leave your hometown. Expose him to a new experience but then take him back to the safety and comfort of his regular home. You'll gradually increase his ability to remain calm and collected in new settings.

10. Travel with some of his favorite things - If you're going by your own vehicle, you can take his bed and favorite toy as well as his regular food. If you can, take the water he usually drinks. Many dogs are sensitive to minerals in water and his stomach could be upset by unfamiliar water.

If you can't take much with you, either something he normally sleeps with or a favorite toy is good. After all, you're the most important element in your dog's happiness. As you as you're there, he'll be fine.

Have a great summer and a wonderful vacation.

Neutering - Will this Fix Your Dog?

There's so much propaganda today about having male dogs neutered that owners sometimes have unrealistic expectations about how neutering will affect a dog's behavior.

Animal rights activists have done a great job co-opting the mainstream media so that owners never read anything positive about leaving male dogs intact. Yet, many intelligent, educated and experienced owners do just that.

Many animal rights groups do not believe dogs should be subjugated to serve humans as pets. Restricting the population of dogs is one way to curb our ability to have pets. That's one reason why animal rights groups are such vocal advocates of neutering.

Neutering means the surgical removal of the reproductive organs of a dog which for males means that both testicles are removed.

The following are some considerations for you in making your choice.

1. Show/Breed - Show dogs in American Kennel Club sanctioned events may not be neutered. This is a long-standing rule that probably derived because show dogs usually turn into studs once their show career is over.

2. It's an operation - Although neutering is widely performed and is generally considered a safe operation, it is an operation and does require a general anesthetic. There is always a risk when small dogs are subjected to anesthesia. You should not unthinkingly decide to have your dog neutered.

Talk to your vet and understand what type of anesthesia and pain medication s/he will give your dog. Ask about the risks and chances of complications as a result of the the surgery. Understand the after care you should provide your dog until he heals.

3. Cancer - You often read that neutering will help your dog avoid getting cancers associated with reproductive organs. This is true to the same degree that having a hysterectomy or being castrated will prevent cancer associated with reproductive systems in humans.

If you look beyond the old wives tales, you'll find that veterinarians disagree on the best practice.

For example Veterinary Oncologist Keven Hahn writing in Veterinary Practice News said that after reviewing studies over the last 30 years, he's not sure what to recommend to his clients. There is a higher incidence of testicular cancer unneutered dogs, but also a higher incidence of cancer of the blood vessels in neutered males. This issue is whether there is a cause and result relationship to any of these.

4. Behavior changes - Owners often look at neutering as cure all for unwanted behaviors. Sometimes undesirable behaviors such as marking territory may be decreased if not stopped altogether. Other times, behaviors such as humping go on because they are instinctive in a dog.

Neutering will ameliorate unwanted behaviors directly related to the influence of testosterone levels such as behaviors related to sexual frustration. It will not magically correct all behavior problems.

According to a study by Dr. Benjamin Hart of University of California at Davis:

"with urine marking in the house, mounting, and roaming, one can expect a resolution in 25–40 percent of dogs neutered. Aggression toward strange dogs should be resolved in 10–15 percent of dogs. ...There is no way of predicting in advance which dogs will respond the most to neutering."

Contrary to old wives tales, an aggressive dog may be just as aggressive after neutering. He could even be worse because testosterone levels often give male dogs a higher level of conference than they would otherwise have. Fearful dogs are often aggressive and bite in defense; i.e., striking the first blow to prevent being attacked.

5. Behaviors that supposedly get worst - Almost everyone agrees that it's nothing more than old wives tale that dogs get fat after neutering. Dogs get fat for the same reason we do - they eat too much and exercise too little. I personally know slim neutered dogs and slim intact dogs.

However, there is a significant population of dog professionals who believe neutering often has an impact on a dog's personality. I'm sure some of you read that and are outraged that I would be writing something that everyone else has told you is poppycock. I agree there is no scientific evidence (how would you measure a dog's personality?) and the evidence is purely anecdotal.

But use your common sense. Hormones matter. We accept that hormonal changes in human females during menstruation and menopause affect behavior. Doesn't it make sense that hormonal changes caused by removing a dog's reproductive organs might have an impact on a dog's personality?

If you are seriously into something like agility or dog dancing, talk to other people at shows about the benefits and detractions of having your dog neutered. The most common problem I hear is that a neutered male loses his edge and becomes more complaisant.

If your dog is purely a companion, this shouldn't be an issue in making your decision. The change apparent to professionals who work seriously with hundreds of dogs may be imperceptible to regular owners. As your dog ages, he will be "losing his edge" anyway.

6. Remaining behavior - If you leave your male dog intact, you run the risk of his impregnating any female dog within his reach. Females dogs in heat give out a scent that no intact male dog can resist.

If you have a male dog, you must keep him confined at all times - either in your home, in a fenced yard or on a leash. Your neighbor could turn ugly - not to mention litigious - should your dog create a litter of puppies with his female dog.

7. Age for neutering - It's standard practice in America for dogs to be neutered at very early ages (even as early as 8-weeks!). I believe the reason for this is that it's easier for the vet to operate on a young dog. There is no definitive answer to this question of what age is best. Your vet will have his/her own preference and you're at his/her mercy.

Keep in mind that spaying and neutering are the most frequent veterinary surgery in America today and for many dogs, the only surgery they will ever have. It's only prudent to be aware that a vet's encouragement to have your dog neutered is a financial benefit to him.

8. Genetics - no dog with a genetic disease or hereditary defect should be bred. If you get a dog from a shelter or rescue group, he probably will already be neutered but if not, I do recommend these dogs be neutered. There is no way to know their medical history and there's no reason to take chances on the health of any offspring. Any dog with significant personality disorders such as extreme aggression evidence by attacking other animals or humans should not be bred.

I am not advocating either neutering or not neutering your dog. My goal is to present realistic information that you are unlikely to find elsewhere on the Internet.

Do your own investigation using the Internet to read veterinary journals from veterinary schools. You'll find that the evidence on the benefit of neutering is not 100% positive! You'd never know that if you didn't look for it.

If your vet offers an opinion, it's appropriate for you to ask if this is based on some study or his/her personal opinion. Exercise your right to analyze your choices and make an informed decision.

Good luck.

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