Saturday, January 08, 2005

Turning on the Worms

Please don't look at the word "worms," say "yuck" and
decide to skip to the next article!

Unfortunately, the U.S. is experiencing a major growth in the
number of cases of canine heartworm. Last year, veterinarians
diagnosed nearly 250,000 dogs and cats with this infection.
At the same time, the number of dog-owning households who
use heartworm preventives declined from 66% in 1998 to
55% last year.

Some owners mistakenly think that a housebound dog can't
get infected. Or, they think this infection is only applicable
in Southern states or during the summer. Unfortunately, this
disease is prevalent in stray dogs and human clothing including
shoes can carry the infection into your home.

Can you really keep all mosquitoes out of your home?
Although this is a treatable infection, it can cause
serious problems including heart attack and liver failure
if unrecognized and untreated for a period of time.
It can even prove fatal.

Heartworm infections occur when a dog is bitten by an
infected mosquito and ingests heartworm larvae. The worms
multiply with an infection ranging from 15 to hundreds of worms.
The spaghetti-like strands of worms mass and may obstruct
the heart and cause heart failure.

Or, they may fill the pulmonary arteries and cause blood clots
in the lungs. Symptoms may be as mild as a soft cough and an
unwillingness to exercise. Veterinarians can easily diagnose
the problem with blood tests, but owners may not realize treatment
is needed until more severe symptoms appear. The best thing to
do is to use a preventive on a regular basis.

I give my dog a tablet once a month, year-round that prevents
heartworm, roundworms, hookworms and whipworms. As my
dog will not swallow a tablet, I crush them between two
spoons and put them in peanut butter which is his favorite
snack. He never fails to swallow it all!

The product is Interceptor but there are others that you, or
your dog, might prefer including Heartgard or Sentinel.
Not every product, however, protects against all the different
types of worms. Revolution is a topical product (one drop is
applied in front of the dog's should blades)that also protects
against fleas, ticks and mites while the previous products
mentioned are tablets or chewables.

The newest preventive is ProHeart6 which is an injection that
is supposed to be effective for six-months. Your vet would need
to provide this. In addition to preventives, be sure to clean up
your dog's feces. Worms are not only a problem for other dogs
and cats but also some worms can invade human systems as well.

WARNING: Do not start giving preventive medicines without
a vet's OK. Every dog needs an exam prior to starting this
medication as administering these drugs to an infected-dog
can prove deadly.

2005 New Year's Resolutions

Renew Your Bond with Your Canine Companion

1. I will exercise my dog every day, preferably with a walk outdoors.

2. I will feed my dog a healthy diet conscious of his daily calorie intake.

3. I will deal immediately with health problems by having a vet check out my dog.

4. I will fully groom my dog at least once a week.

5. I will contribute time and/or money to animal related charities.
This can be your local animal shelter or national groups such as
Canine Companions for Independence (a personal favorite).

6. I will enroll my dog in the American Kennel Club Canine
Good Citizen Program and work with him until he gets certified.

This is NOT just for purebreds.

7. I will deal with behavior problems promptly including using a
professional trainer.

8. I will inspect my dog’s toys, bedding and collars/clothing regularly
and dispose of worn or damaged objects.

9. I will take up a new activity with my dog before mid-year.
This could be structured agility, obedience, or tracking trials or
just fun games such as hide-and-seek the Kong toy.

10. I will make time to cuddle with my dog every day – no matter how
little time I have and no matter how tired I am.

Best wishes for the New Year.

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